
I was going to blog yesterday, but several factors stopped me--mostly though I just had no words. That is an unusual occurrence for me, but there it was. It is probably for the best because it would not have been an uplifting or encouraging or even just a mediocre blog post. It would have been an outright pity party. Instead, I spent a lot of time venting to others, being crabby, and then crying out to God.

This is not going to be the blog post I was going to write yesterday. This is going to be a blog that talks about God's faithfulness because, my friends, God is ALL circumstances.

So yesterday in my horrible, no good, very bad day, God gave me a couple of little gifts. The first was some new insight into a story that I have read several times. I was praying at one point and asking God to move in my life and the lives of the people around me and all I heard was "for such a time as this." This is a verse from Esther. Esther 4:14 to be exact.

This is what Esther is told when she is debating about whether or not to go before the king to plead on behalf of her people. The penalty for this bold action was death if the king did not extend his scepter. And she had no reason to expect him to. But she made a decision. "If I perish, I perish."

And in that moment of absolute abandonment and trust upon God is when things began to change. She couldn't see it, but that was the moment when things started looking up. God began to move on behalf of His people. They couldn't see the change, but it was happening.

I have no plan B in life. God is my plan B.

Peace out yo!


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