
A delightful visit from a dear friend.

An impromptu nap in a hammock.

Owl City.

Sitting in the park and reading a good book.

Fresh squeezed lemonade--with mango rum.

Askinosie chocolate.

Sparkling water.

Just a few things that have made this day incredibly wonderful. It does not seem like this weekend is Easter. I feel like all the holidays this year have just snuck up on me. Even crazier, my birthday is a week after Easter. I can't believe that it's that time of year again. This year has flown by. I think time goes faster the older you get...and I am rapidly getting older.

A friend asked me last fall if I had ever been kidnapped for my birthday (I use kidnapped in the sense that your friends take you somewhere and have a party planned or something to that end, not in the sense of actually being taken by force.). I haven't. I then explained that no one has ever surprised me for my birthday, but that it is usually my fault. You see, I am very difficult to surprise. I might not always know exactly what is happening, but I usually have an inkling that something is happening, so I'm just not surprised.

I really want to be surprised...I mean really. I'm just too observant for my own good, I guess.

Anyway...I have discovered that the trick to having a good April Fool's joke is that it must be something that could be plausible. It has to be something that could actually happen, and could be a general possibility.

For instance--when I was little, my dad got me once (I think that was the only time he actually got me). He made an ear tag for the calf of my favorite cow...and I thought my cow had had her calf...April Fool's!! There was just enough of an element of truth to make it believable, but it wasn't. Just for future reference...for all you April Fooler's out there...

Well, I'm gonna make some scones and then try to work on my research. And I'm going with the crew (part deux) to watch Clash of the Titans in 3D at midnight tonight.

Peace out yo!!


  1. hmmm...wonder how you figured that out?? lol

    love you mucho, dear friend! LOVES!


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