If you desire...

Every season has it's own particular smell. Today, I smelled summer...it was...delightful. Spring is probably my favorite smell. It smells of dark, rich earth waiting to be planted. It smells of new life and freshness and green and flowers. So even though Spring is my favorite season, Summer is my next favorite.

I love summer because it smells hot. It smells of sunshine and sprinklers and cut grass. It reminds me of hours spent in the sun relaxing and enjoying the world. It reminds me of afternoon naps in a hammock with a good book for company.

I am excited for summer this year. There are going to be wonderful adventures, work, sun soaking, moving, park trips, and it will all be wrapped up by a lovely trip to New Zealand...so much to be excited for.

Most of all I'm excited to have good, long chats with God. Delightful mornings spent soaking up His presence along with the sunshine streaming through my window.

I had a lovely quiet time this morning. I was reading John 21 where Peter says that he's going fishing and the rest of the disciples say they will go with him. Then they work all night long and don't catch anything. In the morning Jesus stands on the shore and tells them to put the net on the other side of the boat and suddenly there are more fish than they can handle.

This is what I got out of that this morning: Peter was called to be so much more than he ever dreamed of. He was called to be an apostle, a founder of the church. Yet in the moment that it mattered, he denied even knowing Jesus. In a word Peter failed. So he decided to go back to what he knew best...something he had done his whole life...fishing. He was giving up on being a fisher of men and becoming once more a fisher of fish.

And then they spent all night long working and struggling and caught nothing...zip...zero. They spent hours of hard work and accomplished nothing. Then as soon as Jesus showed up they caught more than they ever would have without Him.

God let Peter have a taste of what life would be like if he didn't follow his calling. It would be unfulfilling and disappointing. Then Jesus restored to Peter his calling. "Do you love me more than these?...Feed my lambs."

Jesus gave Peter a choice. He could continue to struggle with fishing the sea and be unfulfilled and inconsequential all his life, or he could embrace the calling of Jesus, surrender his will to God, and impact the world for all of eternity...

I'm kind of glad Peter chose his calling over fish.

This also brings up an idea that has been simmering in the back of my mind. I want to take pictures of people holding signs that say what they do for God. Mine would say: "I run." K's would say: "I design." L's would say: "I sing." H's would say: "I write." K's would say: "I decorate." E's would say: "I film." R's would say: "I drum."

Just a thought...still needs some working out.

Until next time, embrace that which you are called to.

Peace and Mercy.


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