this ain't goodbye...

While I'm doing my laundry and waiting for time to pass so I can go to my next event for the day, I decided to listen to some Train...their song This Ain't Goodbye just seemed so aptly fitting to my life at this moment...

I'm so glad that I'm not saying good-bye to SGF, my friends, and college about if I hang out for another 2 years? I think graduating would be so much more traumatic if I was moving and leaving this place. I have often prayed that if God wanted me to move on after I graduated, that He would prepare my heart to leave. That hasn't happened. If anything I am more attached to this place than I was before. I think my heart would literally break if I were to leave. I love living in Springtown. The only thing I would change is the distance to my family. I wish Abilene and Springfield were a little closer.

The unfortunate thing with falling in love with a specific place is that you can't just pick it up and move it with you. If you fall in love with a person, it's relatively easy to decide to move and move together. Thus you see my predicament--places don't move. So sad.

But it's not just the place I love. I have strong ties here. I have my second family. I have amazing friends. I have built a life here. I have sunk my roots deep into the Missouri soil, and as one of my professors said yesterday, if you kill the roots, the tree will die. If you nourish the roots and continue to build the root system, the tree will thrive and grow.

So I'm glad I'm not saying good-bye to SGF. I kind of hope I live here the rest of my life, but we'll see what God has in store. I might actually reach the point eventually where I am okay with moving away.

Peace and Mercy.


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