
Warning: This post might contain a little bit of strong language.

I'm going to vent for a moment...or several moments really. K and I often laugh about the fact that I seldom have opinions about things (I am trying to work on this), but the fact of the matter is that I have very strong opinions about things that really matter.

So when a girl says "All men are assholes" it kind of pisses me off a little bit. And when all the rest of the girls at the table and the guy at the table agree with that girl it kind of pisses me off a lot. All men are not assholes. I know because I have a lot of guy friends who aren't. I have a father who isn't one. I have a father I adopted in SGF who isn't one. I have some amazing brothers in Christ who aren't. And I have a church full of men who are good, Godly, and not assholes.

And we wonder why we have problems finding good men in our society. People live up to the standard that we set for them. If the standard for men is that they are assholes, then that's what they will be. But I expect more. I do have high standards for the men in my life. That doesn't mean that I don't have grace with them, but it does mean that I am not surrounded by men who are assholes.

Women, we have to start expecting more out of our men. They will live up to it. We have to start setting the bar high. Because I know they are out there.

But we also have to start showing men the respect they deserve. I pray that I will never again say derogatory words to the men in my life. God knows that I am not perfect, and that I don't always watch my tongue as I should, but I am desperately trying to be positive, encouraging, and uplifting to men. I am trying to be respectful to them. Because when it comes right down to it they were made in God's image. They are image bearers of God. And if for no other reason than that they deserve our respect.

I think most women would be surprised at the response they would get from men if they started respecting them and showing that respect in their actions and words.

The real problem with that is that in order to respect men, women must first respect themselves. If you don't know how to respect yourself, then there is no way you can show it to someone else.

I am sick to death of the way men our treated in our society. Maybe if we started treating them like men they would be more willing to become true men. Maybe if we started acting like women should we could transform our society.

Okay...venting over...for now.

Peace out yo!


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