i must be in California

Today's title comes from an Owl City song...can't remember which one and don't have time to look it up right now because I only have 6 minutes in which to finish this blog post...nothing to speed up my writing like a deadline...

Yep...made it to LA safe and sound. It was a day of firsts, and today will be as well. First time to come to LA (sort of). I was here when I was little, but I don't remember much of it. First time to check into a hotel by myself. First time to sleep in a hotel room by myself. First time to leave the country by myself. First time to wander around LA by myself. First time to fly over the Pacific Ocean. First time to visit New Zealand.

I decided yesterday that whenever we do something that we have never done before it has to change us. Because we can never go back to being that person we were before.

There has been lots of time to think and process life and talk to God and I'm looking forward to a lot more of that as well. Gotta run...

Look up some Owl City...

Peace out yo!!


  1. Definitly agree on the "change by firsts." Can't wait to hear of all the changing you'll do, all the firsts you'll have, and all that God tells you along the way!!!


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