summer love

I am mucho excited to be headed to the lake with my lovely friend this evening. Four days of blissful sunshine, lake, fireworks on the 4th, making new friends, enjoying old ones, and resting.

A good friend is leaving the country today...for an entire year (or more). I'm so glad that he is going, and a little sad at the same time. But endings are just new beginnings, so I'm excited to see what is on the other side of this page.

God is teaching me what it means to be still. It doesn't necessarily mean not thinking about things or not doing things (although that can be part of it). I think it means more having a heart that is quiet, content, and peaceful before Him.

"Be Still and Know that I am God." - Psalm 46:10

This is the verse that started it all this morning. [H, I know you will appreciate that.] But it connected with a couple other verses that I have been reading. Resulting in a lovely long quiet time ending with a peaceful and quiet heart.

a trip to the lake last year

I hope you all have a fantastic 4th of July complete with all things American. Peace out yo!


  1. I do like that :-) I like it a lot! Looking forward to lots of "still" times when I come home


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