sometimes i hate following the rules

The lovely Connally tagged me in a post based off of Cassie's Therapy Video. I know I've done this before, but I guess we'll have another go at it. The rules: if you're tagged fill in 12 likes, 1 love, and 8 hates; then tag three other bloggers; and don't forget to include the words in bold.

Sorry to be a party pooper, but I'm not going to tag anyone. Yes, I realize that means I am not following the rules, but there are just sometimes when I feel like not following the rules.

abracadabra, wow!
i like boys with sweetness, charm, and good character
and girls with loving hearts and genuine smiles
i like making my family laugh
i like friends whose presence I crave
i like pubs
i like watching children learn something new
i like thinking great thoughts
i like discovering other cultures
i like being organized
i like dreaming
i like trying new recipes
i like trinkets with meaning
i like soaking in beauty
i love traveling
today i want to be somewhere far far away
in some ways, i love everything
its less, its less of a thing to like, its less distinct, its less particular
i like things that i like but i love everything
there's more choice in like
cause even the worst things have things you love in them
i don't know what you mean about things i hate
i hate cars that don't work
i hate being fake
i hate not knowing
i hate not having coffee when i want it
i hate making big decisions
i hate losing
but in a way, i sort of love losing if i learn from it
i hate doubting
i hate being cold
i hate this, wow...

Well, there you go. :) Peace out yo!!


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