where troubles melt like lemon drops

This has been a good day. A very long and exhausting day, but a good one. Bible study with a dear friend at a friendly coffeeshop was a lovely mid-morning happening. That combines three of my favorite things: friends, coffee, and God. :)

I applied for two more jobs, and I actually got a positive response for one of them. I hope it actually turns into a job. That would be awesome!! I just found that out when I got home and checked my e-mail...so that's a good note to end the day on. That and some milk and chocolate chunk cookies...yum!!

I had a long and lovely quiet time today, and lots of good prayer time. I worked on paperwork for church. I ran some errands. I made banana bread. I did laundry. I should really put the dishes in the dishwasher before I call it a day and hit the hay.

My body is getting to the state of exhaustion where it doesn't want to move, so I should finish this up and get ready for bed.

And my lovely roomie just told me that the tea we ordered directly from the Twinnings store in England should be here tomorrow!! :) Oh loveliness!!

Somewhere Over the Rainbow
- Lee Ellen Starks


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