bumper stickers, coffee, and noveling

I find bumper stickers to be incredibly interesting. I usually only have a chance to read them when I'm sitting behind someone in traffic who has a ton of bumper stickers on the back of their vehicle. Usually they are bumper stickers about peace, anti-war, pro-democrat, tolerant out the wazoo. I'm glad that I live in America, the land of freedom of speech. I'm glad that I live in a country where people are free to express what they feel and believe.

However, when I see a bumper sticker that says "God Bless our troops, especially our snipers" it just makes me smile in a small corner of my heart. That was one of the bumper stickers on the truck in front of me at a stop light this morning. It's things like that that brighten my day just a little.

I'm supposed to be writing on my novel...but that's having issues because my roommate has gotten me addicted to Parenthood so we are watching episodes of that. However, with some luck I will get a couple thousand words done today...with the help of coffee of course.

Peace out yo!


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