feels like home

You know those moments that make you feel like home? I think that's one of the reasons that I love cooking because no matter where I have lived I have always cooked. I never feel more at home than when I am standing over a stove or putting something in the oven.

My first job (besides forced slave labor for my parents) was as a short order cook at a small cafe. I spent three years standing over the grill in that little kitchen. I knew my way around there like the back of my hand.

I didn't realize how much I missed that grill or that kitchen until I stood over a much different grill in a much different kitchen today. I was suddenly back at my first job...memories flooded to my mind one after another. I had that feeling. I was home.

I have so many memories that are tied to specific things that I make. I have some cookies that I make and every time I make them it reminds me of the first time I made them. I have specific foods that I make for specific people. Every time I make that food, I think of that person. There are so many wonderful things that I associate with cooking and food. I guess that's why I love cooking. It makes me feel like home...no matter where I'm at.

Peace out yo!


  1. anytime you want to feel at home in my kitchen I'll be more than happy to let you ;-)


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