musing on a quiet sunday

A quiet Sunday afternoon. I have so many thoughts floating around in my head. Sunday is such a great day for thinking because I have nothing else to occupy my mind. I am often amazed at how much other things get in the way of me thinking. I am so glad that God commands us to take a day to rest.

The Truth Project lesson this morning talked about sociology, the order that God has placed in the universe, the way He specifically ordered things for specific reason and purpose. We discussed this particularly in relation to families. I am incredibly blessed to have a family that follows God's plan and design. My dad is the head of the house. He is in all aspects the leader. He is the provider and protector. When the father in a family is what he should be, that allows the rest of the family to be as they should be.

I was incredibly convicted that I do not appreciate my family the way I should. There are so many people who do not have a family that follows God's model. Our country and world are full of families that are broken and hurting. There is so much pain inflicted on children by parents and on parents by children. The family is under heavy fire and attack. Why? Because when the family is done right according to God's plan it reflects the very glory and nature of God. And the one thing that the enemy cannot stand is God being glorified.

I was sitting there, watching this video and praying, telling God how greatly I desire to have a husband who I can implement this family system with so that our lives may be a reflection of God. And God humbled me. I pray all the time that I want God to be glorified in my life, that I want above all else for His Name to be praised and glorified. He showed me that that is not what I really want. I want Him to be glorified but in my way. Right now it brings Him the most glory for me to be single. When it will bring Him the most glory for me to be married, that is when I will be married. And in the mean time, He is doing great things.

I was going to tell you all about some of my thoughts from Ruth, but that will have to wait for another day. I hope you have a marvelous Sunday afternoon.


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