My apologies for not blogging recently. My last week was consumed by lasagna. In case you were wondering. . .I greatly dislike lasagna. I didn't like it before this, and after making 60 pans of it, I dislike it even more. But now lasagna week is over and (not so) distant history. Life seems to go more quickly than I would like most of the time, and then I realize that it has been such a long time since I have blogged.

I have been doing a lot of sleeping lately. Time change, my friends, is brutal. The sun is at the perfect spot right now that when it rises it is directly in my eyes. . .yes, I do have my blinds closed. I try to ignore it and roll over and go back to sleep (sometimes too successfully). I haven't actually overslept anything, just haven't gotten up to do other things (like go running or do yoga).

At least the sun is returning more and more frequently. The cold, dreary months of winter are (fingers crossed) behind us now. Only a few more days until the official beginning of Spring. Yay!! I have been seeing more and more flowering trees and daffodils around town and it just makes my heart so happy!

Pretty quick I need to get started on my garden project. Maybe this next week. This afternoon, though, I want to start with something related to gardening. A while back I bought some garlic at the store, and didn't get around to using it quickly enough, I guess, so one of the cloves sprouted. I want to see if I can get it to grow. I would love to not have to buy garlic for a bit. I have some pots in the backyard that used to have mint in them, so I thought I would remove the contents of the last residents and try planting my little garlic clove. What have I got to lose?

I made cupcakes this morning. Yep, delicious, chocolaty coconut rum cupcakes. It's Thursday so I can get away with it. . .meaning that I can take them and share with friends at my favorite coffeeshop tonight. Yum! I'll just frost them when I get home from work and be ready to go.

I've been continuing to read in Ruth, and I have some thoughts rolling around in my head that I will probably get around to sharing eventually. I also read something in Leviticus last night that I am pondering on. Stay tuned. . .


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