after 4 loads of laundry

I have been feeling very behind lately. I keep putting things off because I don't have the time to do them, and then they build up and I am not sure where to even start. Today, however, I was quite the busy little bee (hehehe, cause my name actually means honeybee), and I have accomplished much. I am finally feeling like I caught up and I can pause and rest for a moment.

I ran across this verse this morning when I was having some quiet time: "Satisfy us in the morning with Your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days." - Psalm 90:14

Something about that verse just connected with my heart this morning. I guess part of it is just that I've been feeling a little distant in my walk with God lately, partly because I've lacked time to really spend large portions of time with Him like I wish I could. I am a quality time person, so that really affects me sometimes. But when it just comes down to it, I have really been struggling to feel His love lately, so this became my prayer this morning, and today has just been good. No earth shattering revelations, no real feelings of God's love, but just a good day of quietness in my spirit.

It probably helps that my house is now clean, I always rest better when I am surrounded by order and peace in my surroundings.


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