character traits

Our character is determined by our actions. It's kind of life how we know what we really believe by what we do. If you really believe something it will be reflected in your actions. Like when I really believe that God is trustworthy, my actions show that I trust Him.

The same can be said of my character. My character is determined by how I act. When I say that I am one thing, but I act in a manner that is contrary to what I say that action is showing my true character (as well as showing that I lack integrity).

I guess the ultimate example of this is God. We know God's character because of how He has acted. What set me to thinking about this was a statement about God's humility being part of his eternal character, not just when He became flesh. This statement made me realize that when God came to earth as the man Jesus that was the action He took to exhibit His character trait of humility to us.

I know that I can believe that God is who He says He is because His actions always prove His character. Now the question becomes do my actions prove my character? I certainly hope so, and I continually strive to be a woman of excellent character.


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