a confession

I must confess that no matter how many times I watch Little Women I always cry when Beth dies. I cry because Jo not only loses her sister but she loses her friend. I feel as though I am embracing the sorrow that Jo feels, the loneliness, the desire for all her family to be together once more and to be well and happy. Who wouldn't want that?

I think of all my family (both those I am related to and those who are my embraced family), and I can't help but long to be all in the same place, to gather around the same table and fellowship with one another, to embrace all my loved ones. And I would be lying to you if I said that the absence didn't bring tears to my eyes.

I think everyone can understand sorrow because we have all experienced it at some point in our lives, some more deeply and closely than others. Sorrow will change you. It will either destroy you or it will transform you.

That's what I find so inspiring about Jo's story from Little Women. She faces the sorrow of Beth's death fully. She faces the loneliness of her heart and the pieces she is missing so greatly. But it does not destroy her. Rather from her great sorrow she writes a book that is a glimpse into her soul.

The same is true of Jesus. He had great sorrow and anguish over the condition of mankind and over what He knew that He must do for us.

"Then he said to them, 'My soul is very sorrowful, even to death; remain here, and watch with me.'" - Matthew 26:38

Jesus faced His great sorrow fully. And out of it came the redemption of mankind. Jesus allowed sorrow to have a great role in His actions.

I have no right to even begin to compare my little sorrows with His great sorrow, but because I am aware of the character of God, I will venture to say the following (also I believe that many of you will be able to relate in some way to what I am saying). I have sorrow in my soul over my singleness. I would be lying if I said otherwise. I never thought I would be at the point I am in life and not have a man by my side.

But my plans are not the Lord's plans, and I trust His completely. I have had to face my sorrow, and I have allowed God to transform my life through it. Through the facing of my sorrow, I have learned to pour out my heart and soul.

I can tell you what else I never imagined. I never thought I would arrive at this point in my life with my heart so incredibly full, with such a crazy, beautiful and passionate life, with a desire to pour out all of me to touch the lives of the people around me. I never thought I would bring joy into the lives of coworkers and friends. I never thought I would be given the great call and responsibility of the gift of healing. I never thought I would be an example of honoring God with my singleness in a society that has vastly different views on relationships and marriage. I never imagined that God could use my sorrow to enlarge my heart. I never thought that God would use my sorrow to transform me into something beautiful.

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us." - Romans 8:18


  1. You inspire me so much Melissa. I can't even tell you. When Isaac asked me to marry him, after all the joy and happiness died down, I remember asking God, "Why me? Melissa is better prepared, less selfish than me. Why is this not her happiness? Out of everyone I know she deserves this" But you inspire me so much Lissa, I can only assume that it's because your love story to come is simply too big (if you can believe it) for your life right now. I believe that God will truly truly bless you for your faithfulness. Bless you with a love story to rival Boaz and Ruth.

    And I cry every time too ;-) Love you!

  2. Dear Sister,
    You are so very beautiful!!! I am so thankful that we have a faithful God that is able to transform our grief into singing!!! Thank you for writing this.
    Love you lots!


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