life and chocolate
I like my chocolate dark and preferably with cocoa nibs in it. Bittersweet it is called by some. Less sweet, more chocolate. I used to only like the sweet stuff, but I can hardly stand it anymore. I crave that distinct tangy-ness of good dark chocolate.
Right now, on my last day living in Springfield, my life is dark chocolate. Bittersweet. This change, this move, is a good thing. It is good for me. It is sweet in so many ways. I have so much to look forward to. I have so many new opportunities and experiences before me.
But it is also a tiny bit bitter. For the last month I have been quietly saying goodbye. Mentally taking note. My last time doing this. My last time going here. My last time having this.
Tomorrow morning I will pack my things into a trailer and drive away in my car. And yes, I will be back. I may even live here again one day. Who knows? But for now I have to leave. I have to leave behind some of the most beautiful and deep friendships I have ever had. I have to leave behind the familiar places and faces. I have to leave the place where I learned who I was. I have to leave the church that has my heart. This is truly bitter for me.
But I wouldn't take the sweet alone because I would miss out on that particular tangy-ness that characterizes dark chocolate. Bittersweet. Without the bitter I wouldn't appreciate the sweet and without the sweet I wouldn't appreciate the bitter. So I will take them both with cocoa nibs mixed in for good measure.
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