all the difference

Whenever I start something new, I always have a little internal panic going on in my head. What if I'm not any good at it? What if I fail miserably? What if they see that I am really just faking it until I (hopefully) make it? What if. . .? What if, what if, what if? 

I used to feel this way on the first day of classes every semester in college. I felt this way when I started massage therapy school. I have felt this way with every job I have ever started. 

I have felt this way with friendships. What if they find out I'm not actually cool? I have felt this way in ministry. What if they find out I don't actually know what I'm doing? I mean, I don't have a Bible education.

New things are a precipice into the unknown. There are equal parts of fear and excitement. I could walk off that precipice and fall with nothing to catch me. I could walk off that precipice and discover that I can fly. 

I have done enough new things at this point in my life, that I know I may not always succeed, but even more than that I have done enough new things to know that it is always worth it to take the risk and see what may happen. If something doesn't work out what have I lost really? 

A year ago, I started deciding that I needed to be willing to step out into those risks. I desperately wanted abundant life, and I decided that I had to be willing to pursue it. And here I am, a year later. A year filled with new things. A year full of what if's. A year full of risks and chances and beginnings. 

It has been flat out terrifying at times. There have been moments full of sorrow. It has been challenging beyond what I expected. And it has been completely worth it. It has been abundant.

Abundant life is risky. The what if's and fears and questions aren't absent, but rather there is something beautiful to be found when we step forward despite and in spite of questions, what if's, and fears. The beauty is found in taking that leap and discovering the abundance that lies beyond the precipice. 

I'm not going to stop having an internal panic when I start something new. I know that the questions and what if's and fears will be there waiting for me. What I have learned over the last year is to not let that keep me from pursuing abundant life, to choose abundant life over fear. "And that has made all the difference."*

*Thank you Robert Frost for this eloquent phrase in "The Path Not Taken"


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