faithful in dreams

I dream of living on a beach one day. Talk to me for any length of time about the things I'm passionate about, and this will come to the surface. You may hear about "The Beach House" which is a dream close to my heart, a dream which slumbers in my heart sometimes, and sometimes raises its head, calling for my attention. 

And it is a dream which may never happen. I may never live by the beach. I may never have the house of rest and refreshment and savoring that dwells in my dreams. I may never have a retreat center. This dream may only ever be just a dream. I don't know.

What I do know is that God is faithful with my dreams. When I surrender my dreams and desires to Him, He is faithful to give me those dreams and desires in the best possible way in the best possible time. Sometimes that means never, and that's okay because I know that He knows what's best and is faithful to give me what's best. 


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