seeing faithfulness
Since God's faithfulness is not dependent upon my circumstances, seeing God's faithfulness can sometimes be challenging because I am limited by a box called time. God is not limited by this box. But this is often one of the greatest difficulties is us seeing God's faithfulness, that we don't see it in the time frame that we think we should.
God's words are never void, and His promises are always true. Therefore my understanding of His timing in fulfilling His word and promises is what is lacking. I have had to learn to adjust my understanding of His timing in fulfilling His plans and purposes, and by no means have I figured this out.
This is what I do know. God's faithfulness will show up when I least expect it. God's faithfulness will show up in the way I least expect it, and in the time I least expect it. And His fulfillment of His faithful promises will be infinitely better than I could ever dream up or imagine.
Learning to walk in God's faithfulness is learning to hold my hands open and allow God to give what He wants to and take what He wants to.
Job perhaps was the one who best understood this when he said: "The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the Name of the Lord." In case you aren't familiar with the story, this was right after Job lost everything from his family to his livelihood to his friends to his health.
But again the faithfulness of God is not dependent upon our circumstances. The end of that story is that God not only restores everything Job lost, but blesses him with even more.
Seeing God's faithfulness is often about setting aside our timetable and remembering that He is outside of time. Seeing God's faithfulness is about living with open hands and saying with the Psalmist: "My times are in His hands."
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