a fleeting thing

Have I mentioned that I love food? I think I may have before. I love to savor my food. A really delightful meal that has been well thought out and causes my tastebuds to dance ministers not just to my physical body, but also to my soul. 

However, as much as I enjoy my food, I derive as much pleasure from creating just such a meal. One of my favorite things to do for myself is to stay in, make myself a "foodie" meal and really enjoy it. 

Part of the savoring and the enjoyment is in the careful crafting of the meal. Part of the goodness of cooking is in the slowing down long enough to care for yourself and others in such a tangible way. 

Because ultimately cooking and eating and food are fleeting things; they don't last. You can eat a meal, but you will get hungry again. Food spoils (at least it should if you are eating the good stuff). It can seem like such a waste to spend time and energy on the savoring of the preparation and eating of food. Why does it matter if we savor such a fleeting thing? 

It matters because this is part of the abundance of life that we are meant to have. We are not meant to just rush through life. We are meant to experience abundant life, and abundant life is experienced through savoring our lives. And part of savoring our lives is savoring our food. So slow down. Make yourself a meal and eat it with no distractions. 

*To read all the posts in this write 31 days series, click the #write31days label at the bottom of this post. 


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