doing the dishes

I know I'm too busy when my dishes pile up on the counter. Sometimes I really miss having a dishwasher, but having to hand wash my dishes is good for me because it makes me slow down.

Dish washing is a chore I don't really mind. I have done a lot of it throughout my life. But I have to be home to wash the dishes. When I'm rushing here and there and everywhere my dishes pile up. 

When I got off work, my one goal was to get my dishes washed. I had such a savory evening because I slowed down. I washed my dishes. I made soup. I crocheted. I spent some time with a dear family at the funeral home. I made cookies. And I'm going to bed early. 

My life is quite beautiful when I make time to enjoy it and let the beauty shine through in the ordinary moments. 

*To read all the posts in this write 31 days series, click the #write31days label at the bottom of this post. 


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