when the struggle is real

As I sit here writing this post, all I can think is how did it get to be almost 8:00 PM? I feel like this day just flew by, and I'm not sure that I got half of what I wanted to do accomplished. These are the days when the struggle to savor life is fierce. When the day escapes without my noticing it because I'm so wrapped up in the day. 

I sit here and I wonder what on earth did I actually do with my time today? I look at my planner for the rest of the week, and I want to just crawl under the covers and not come out for the rest of the week. 

And unfortunately, I am an adult, so that isn't a choice I get. I have to get up in the morning and go to my job. I have to make the money to pay my rent. I have to do the things that need to get done. 

These are the moments when I especially need to savor and give thanks for the small moments. So I start to think over my day. What did I savor today?

I got to go to lunch with my love.

I sorted through old pictures.

I got to facetime with my little sister as we cheered for the Royals.

I got to talk to my big sister and my niece.

I got to talk to my dad. 

I got some big things off my to-do list.

And now, I'm going to finish up this post, take a deep breath, close my computer and go enjoy my beautiful mess of a life. I hope you do the same because life without savoring is no life to live. 

*To read all the posts in this write 31 days series, click on the #write31days label at the bottom of this post. 


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