I can't do this alone...God, I need you to hold onto me
Let me just tell you about the last approximately 24 hours of my life. Last night ( I guess technically it's now Friday so it would actually be Wednesday night not Thursday night), I got home from Bible Study and just a fantastic evening at PoHo in general, and I got a letter from the Communications Department. I opened it, and there was my acceptance letter to the graduate communications department. As I'm sure you can imagine lots of screaming and jumping up and down and excitement ensued. It was an incredible moment for me, even though I was quite sure that I would be accepted into the program, I was still so excited. I woke up Thursday morning still reveling in the excitement and happiness of the previous evening, and was almost late to my 9:30 class. Class let out early, like usual, so I worked on my homework for my econ class...which was research...possibly my least favorite thing to do on earth...it ranks right in there with cleaning out the fridge. There are very few th...