"It may not be the way I would have chosen"
I feel like I am on a path that is not of my choosing...and yet at the same time it is. I realize that this doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but I feel like my life doesn't make a whole lot of sense at times. I asked God to make my heart His own. And He is doing that, but not in a way I would have chosen. I asked God to refine me. And He is doing that, but not how I would expect Him to. I asked many things of Him, and I gave Him every part of me. I'm realizing that I had a lot of expectations of how my life would look after I gave it over to Him, but He is taking me down a path I would never have chosen, and that's His right because my life is not mine but His. Unfortunately that is sometimes a hard pill to swallow. I used to have a plan for my life of how I wanted it to look, how I wanted it to go. Almost nothing I planned for myself is looking like it will become a reality at this time. All I know is that God's timing is perfect, mine isn't, God's plan i...