Random Ponderings
This was a very lovely weekend. I got to spend time with lots of friends, and I got to rest up. That in itself was wonderful. I don't remember the last time I had a 10 hour night of sleep. It was nice to be able to have nice long quiet times too. And then getting to spend time with friends was super fantastic. I got to see K twice, which was fun!! I also got to see D and we chatted for probably an hour and a half. I had some text conversations with friends who weren't in town. And I got to see L and K and C quite a bit which was wonderful. There has been a lot of car troubles going around within the Crew. L totaled her car. B totaled his car. L got in an accident with her truck and is having problems with the tires. K got a windshield crack from a rock and a dented and cracked bumper from a raccoon. L hit a curb and no has to get a new crankshaft for his truck. I discovered that I have a cracked windshield, and the serpentine belt went out of my car two weeks ago. And K wrecked...