I am entering the whirlwind...and it's gonna be intense. The next two weeks are going to fly by, and I will blink and be facing finals. I have three papers to write, one due Wednesday, one due Friday, and one due next week on Thursday. I have a Spanish presentation on Wednesday. I'll be working a ton because I'll be helping administer evaluations this week and next. On top of that I need to get the family Christmas letter written and sent, and I have a friend getting married in 12 days, so we have her bachelorette party, shower and wedding. I have MOPS this week, so that takes out my Wednesday morning. Basically I'm in crunch time, and I'm starting to freak out a little. Plus, there is everything that God is doing in my life...being on the Potter's wheel always seems to be a bit stressful. I know that He is going to get me through this, but I keep feeling like I am constantly at the breaking point in my life. I'm ready to be done. I was telling a friend this...